Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Taking Charge

I was just given a bill today that I have no idea how I am going to pay I have a payment plan set up for a year but the amount I must pay after trying to talk it down is close to impossible for me to do! I had a panic attack for a second and I was like what am I going to do I am barely staying afloat. So I decided to take charge of my life.

I am starting a new venture on top of my pursuits to become a lawyer. I am going to start a dog walking business. Why not ?! People are looking for dog walkers and I can be that person. At the moment it seems impossible and in the back of my head what about if I don't get anyone to bite. But then I remember I got to try ...

In CrossFit, sometimes I walk up to the board see the WOD and go wow that is going to be impossible (in my head) never say it out loud Steve would not be pleased to hear that, but I am going to try to do it. This happened when I did "DANIEL" I walked up and was like 21 thrusters at 65, running, so many pullups ... Jesus ... But I tried ... I really did I took charge and told me mind to shut up and did it ...

Results I BECAME A FIREBREATHER !!! Basically a badass, because I tried! So, I am going to try and start a business because if I don't try I will never know .. If I never tried in CF I would still be doing jumping pull-ups, using the bar and never improve.

So I will take charge of my life, like I take charge of the WOD !!!

"Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential." - Winston Churchill

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