Thursday, January 27, 2011

PT is all Mental

I haven't been having the greatest week. To be honest this month has not been the best. Not only has work been getting super stressful but I feel like my physical therapy has just been getting worse at least in my mind. Being in physical therapy is a big challenge if you are not in it then you might not understand. To be honest I hate it .. I hate how I have been reduced to 30% to 40% of my ability, I guess it made me think that I was only that good. I am upset my body let me down but did it or was I being careless with my body. As much as I have been struggling and trying to push my limits I am starting to learn that there is way more to PT then meets the eye, especially when you mix it with CrossFit workouts.
CrossFit teaches one to push your intensity right? So that is what I want to do is push but when you mix in PT where they tell you to tone down the intensity it's like taking a step back BUT there is a whole other part of CrossFit the mental aspect and that is a huge part of being successful in CrossFit sooooo... What is so mental about physical therapy well it is mental because you constantly have to be watching what you are doing slowing you pace down, that is all a mental game, telling yourself, as you watch everyone else push to their max, nope you can't push you want to but you can't ... Today was the day I realized how important this was...
I have two exceptional coaches that have really taken time to understand my injury and work with me and really understand what I want out of CrossFit. They have taken the time to sit and tell me what I need to do and how I need to do it and they tell me its a mental thing. Today, was the first day in a long time that I did deadlifts, the lift that hurt my back, it was light of course coaches wouldn't have it any other way and they told me to go slow really slow concentrate on my form. And for once I went slow really really slow, really was listening to my body and my back and really correcting my form. I finished close to last and I kind of felt lame but then my coach walked up to me and said "Good Work" and I was like "yeah ok" and then he said "No really good work, it takes a mentally tough person to slow down a workout and really concentrate when everyone else isn't" And that is when it clicked.
So I am working out at CrossFit maybe not as intensely on the outside but inside my head it is a totally different story.

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