Tuesday, April 5, 2011

CrossFit and the 10k

So I know I already posted about my 10k but today my gym asked us "If we had a story you have of a recent use of your fitness that surprised/satisfied you?" So this is my story of how much CrossFit has done for me physically, mentally a whole different ball game. So lets go back to 2009 .....
.... 2009 I wanted to impress my boyfriend so I decided that I would run the Hermosa Beach 5k and right from the start of signing up I was fearful I wasn't in any kind of shape. I was that "skinny fat" girl I had probably been doing CrossFit for lets say 5 months BUT when I say I was doing CrossFit I was like half-assing it not really caring about it just doing it to shut up the boyfriend ... So race day comes I am like ok 3.2 miles can't be that bad WELL I WAS WRONG ... I remember the sounds of the gun and we are off OFF UP A HILL! What a hill I wasn't at all ready for that what was the best part was being passed by women pushing strollers but I made it up the hill and then I started to walk I was so winded yeah I don't think I had even made it to half a mile but I had to finish so I started jogging NOT running jogging and felt ill and sick and wanted to cry so as we ran along the pier and let me be honest I ran one block and walked a block I just couldn't run anymore ... So as I finally finished the race and was so happy it was over and I pretty much vowed that I would never do a race again........ now zipping forward to April 2011
..... Well I clearly didn't keep my vow since I decided to sign up for the Seal Beach 10k. In all honesty I did it because I wanted to see what I was made of. So let me give you a bit of history of me and CrossFit for the past year and half, I have been actively CrossFitting since January of 2010. I recently changed up my routine so that I can compete soon, which means train harder, listen to my body, eat better etc. Therefore, race day came and this is how it went down

THOUGHTS as I ran:

0-1mile: Nice easy jog ran part of the way with Omar and Mer I was not out of breath I was feeling great never stopped, I can do this not to bad nice cool day

1-2 mile: Mer and Omar turn to do the 5k I charge ahead and then I see a slight incline oh god lets not repeat Hermosa head down charge up ... Ok charging feeling good not out of breath passing people ok good good .....

2-3 mile: WATER STATION... alright great they are using McDonalds cups that makes no sense ok lets do this whole run and drink water oh jesus it is going everywhere but my mouth great this man right infront me just threw his water all over me excellent ... ok need to stop for a second to drink this water ... back to running

MILE MARKER 3: OMG I have been running for three miles straight, I did it I freaking can run a 5k no problems alright now here it is just got to push through you can't stop you don't even know where you are RUN katie RUN

4-5 mile: I want to stop I want to stop ... and funny CHRIS WORDEN popped into my head and all I could hear him saying was What kind of character are you made of? Well not the quitting type that is for damn sure JUST KEEP RUNNING ... I hear a lady saying we have been running for over a half hour ... WAIT I have holy shit ... I don't feel like 100% but I feel great I am breathing running I am doing this ...

5-6 mile bridges ... ok I just got to get to the first bridge ... I get to the first bridge SHOOT another bridge I just want this to end I am hungry but I am ok I can run this ..... Just breath man I wish I had music I could use some Rhianna right now bust a move .... RUN RUN RUN

last .4 miles ... I SEE THE FINISH LINE ... my head is telling me to just walk why not NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO YES NOOOOO ... give it a go run run well now I can't stop everyone is watching me cheering me to finish I HAVE TO DO THIS ... Finish line sign is getting bigger run run run I HEAR LINDS I FREAKING DID IT ....

If it wasn't for CrossFit this would have been impossible. After a couple minutes I felt great "elated" on Cloud 9 I was so happy. So I can say that CrossFit has done wonders for me. If it wasn't for the wonderful family I have a CrossFit Costa Mesa I truly believe that I would not have been able to finish the 10k race! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!


  1. i love this, katie. i have many of the same thoughts... seriously, mc. donald's cups? haha!

  2. Absolutely loved this Katie! Your breakdown of what you experienced mile to mile was great. I hope I can run a 10k someday with the same confidence you had. So inspiring ! I'm so proud of you!

  3. Great work. You are beginning to realize more and more you are a creature of will and faith and not of flesh. So proud of you Katie
